Worry About Tomorrow, Tomorrow

We are always looking into our future, especially when we are trying to figure out what we are doing with our lives. I recently learned that sometimes spending too much time doing so, can make things worse.


As we all know by now, life is full of unexpected surprises. And when those surprises do arrive, we fill our lives with depression, anxiety and disappointment with ourselves and with others. Part of my depression and anxiety came from not knowing what to do with my life in order to help my husband with our income. The other part was our living situation. As I shared in The Magic of Gratitude, we had to move into my parents house after one of those life surprises. I began to look for a place to live, and I came across the idea to look for homes in other states. Of course I found more affordable homes in North Carolina (coincidentally where my best friend lives) and that’s where my anxiety increased.


For a couple of weeks I felt lost and depressed that we were letting such a great opportunity slip by just because my husband didn’t want to move. And I mean….what responsible parent wouldn’t get anxious or depressed when trying to make ends meet or provide a better living for those we love.


After a few weeks went by with so much anxiety and anger over our situation, I realized that I had not been accomplishing to stay in the state of gratitude or to find my inner peace and love for life itself. Like I have mentioned before, it is all about practicing until it becomes a habit….and yes, I’m still practicing. So the good news is that when you make it a practice of living your life in what is going on today and not stress out over what will happen tomorrow, you are able to bounce back and find that inner peace that everything will be just fine. We all have rough days and it’s perfectly fine to go through the emotions that follow those bad days, but don’t stay and live in those emotions. Practice finding your peace with today and worry about tomorrow, tomorrow.meditation-1287207_1280

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