United As One In Prayer

I want to begin this post by giving my condolences to the families of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. I want to give my condolences to all the families that were affected by yesterdays shooting in Downtown Dallas. It breaks my heart to see so much pain being caused. All victims in these 3 incidents did not deserve what they got.   

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As we unite as one in prayer, we also have to think, since when does hate get rid of hate? I loved how a friend of mine posted this morning that, “An eye for eye only ends up making  the whole world blind.” 


We all get wrapped up in defending those around us that have been wronged, that sometime our actions are not any different from those that do the wrong. We all want the justice for the first two victims and now justice for victims of the Dallas Police Department in yesterdays shooting. When will this end if we continue this cycle? Not one of these actions are justified.  All lives matter. I don’t see color vs color. I see brothers and sisters vs brothers and sisters.

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My heart goes out to the victims families. If we want peace in our world, we need to give peace. If we want racism to end, we need to stop it in our own hearts. My heart aches for the pain that we can cause to each other.

We are all Philando Castile.

We are all Alton Sterling.

We are all The Dallas Police Department.

We are all one.

We are all united.
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Much love, peace and Joy in these sad moments from 


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